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These functions are used to create resources from SQL definitions and deployment-specific options.

CREATE Function

Attribute Value
Name create_function
ID bqtools.[region].create_function
Version bqtools:v1.0.0
Description Creates or replaces a sql user-defined function defined by an arbitrary query statement and a set of deployment options.
Arguments function_id STRING, query_statement STRING, function_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>, function_options JSON
Returns None
Dependencies bqtools-qb.[region].create_function


DECLARE function_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE function_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>;
DECLARE function_options JSON;

SET function_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.function_name';
SET function_arguments = [("string_argument", "STRING")];
SET query_statement = 'SELECT 1 AS example';

SELECT, query_statement, function_arguments, function_options);
DECLARE function_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE function_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>;
DECLARE function_options JSON DEFAULT JSON '{}';

SET function_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.function_name';
SET function_arguments = [("string_argument", "STRING")];
SET query_statement = 'SELECT 1 AS example';

SELECT, query_statement, function_arguments, function_options);

The following deployment options can be set using the function_options JSON argument, which is a subset of the CREATE FUNCTION DDL options.

Option Option Data Type Values JSON Path Default
REPLACE BOOLEAN true/false replace_function true
TEMPORARY BOOLEAN true/false temporary_function false
IF NOT EXISTS BOOLEAN true/false if_not_exists false
DESCRIPTION STRING Function description description None

If the function_options JSON argument is NULL, the default options will correspond to the following DDL statement:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION `[function_id]`([function_arguments])

CREATE Procedure

Attribute Value
Name create_procedure
ID bqtools.[region].create_procedure
Version bqtools:v1.0.0
Description Creates or replaces a sql user-defined function defined by an arbitrary query statement and a set of deployment options.
Arguments procedure_id STRING, query_statement STRING, procedure_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>, procedure_options JSON
Returns None
Dependencies bqtools-qb.[region].create_procedure


DECLARE procedure_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE procedure_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>;
DECLARE procedure_options JSON DEFAULT JSON '{}';

SET procedure_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.procedure_name';
SET procedure_arguments = [("string_argument", "STRING")];

SELECT, query_statement, procedure_arguments, procedure_options);
DECLARE procedure_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE procedure_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>;
DECLARE procedure_options JSON;

SET procedure_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.procedure_name';
SET procedure_arguments = [("string_argument", "STRING")];

SELECT, query_statement, procedure_arguments, procedure_options);

The following deployment options can be set using the procedure_options JSON argument, which is a subset of the CREATE PROCEDURE DDL options.

Option Option Data Type Values JSON Path Default
REPLACE BOOLEAN true/false replace_procedure true
TEMPORARY BOOLEAN true/false temporary_procedure false
IF NOT EXISTS BOOLEAN true/false if_not_exists false
DESCRIPTION STRING Function description description None

If the procedure_options JSON argument is NULL, the default options will correspond to the following DDL statement:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE `[procedure_id]`([procedure_arguments])


Attribute Value
Name create_table
ID bqtools.[region].create_table
Version bqtools:v1.0.0
Description Creates or replaces a single base table as the results of an arbitrary sql statement and a set of deployment options.
Arguments table_id STRING, query_statement STRING, table_options JSON
Returns None
Dependencies bqtools-qb.[region].create_table


DECLARE table_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE table_options JSON;

SET table_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.table_name';

SELECT, query_statement, table_options);
DECLARE table_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE table_options JSON DEFAULT JSON '{}';

SET table_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.table_name';

SELECT, query_statement, table_options);

The following deployment options can be set using the table_options JSON argument, which is a subset of the CREATE TABLE DDL options.

Option Option Data Type Values JSON Path Default
REPLACE BOOLEAN true/false replace_procedure true
TEMPORARY BOOLEAN true/false temporary_procedure false
IF NOT EXISTS BOOLEAN true/false if_not_exists false
DESCRIPTION STRING Function description description None
PARTITION EXPRESSION STRING Partition expression partition_expression None
CLUSTERING COLUMN LIST ARRAY<STRING> Clustering columns clustering_column_list None
EXPIRATION TIMESTAMP STRING Timestamp expiration_timestamp None
PARTITION EXPIRATION DAYS INTEGER Integer partition_expiration_days None
REQUIRE PARTITION FILTER BOOLEAN true/false require_partition_filter false
KMS KEY NAME STRING KMS key name kms_key_name None
FRIENDLY NAME STRING Friendly name friendly_name None
DEFAULT ROUNDING MODE STRING Default rounding mode default_rounding_mode None

If the table_options JSON argument is NULL, the default options will correspond to the following DDL statement:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `[procedure_id]`

CREATE Table Function

Attribute Value
Name create_table_function
ID bqtools.[region].create_table_function
Version bqtools:v1.0.0
Description Creates or replaces a table function defined by an arbitrary sql statement and a set of deployment options.
Arguments table_function_id STRING, query_statement STRING, table_function_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>, table_function_options JSON
Returns None
Dependencies bqtools-qb.[region].create_table_function


DECLARE table_function_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE table_function_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>;
DECLARE table_function_options JSON;

SET table_function_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.table_function_name';
SET table_function_arguments = [("string_argument", "STRING")];
SET query_statement = 'SELECT 1 AS example';

SELECT, query_statement, table_function_arguments, table_function_options);
DECLARE table_function_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE table_function_arguments ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, data_type STRING>>;
DECLARE table_function_options JSON;

SET table_function_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.table_function_name';
SET table_function_arguments = [("string_argument", "STRING")];
SET query_statement = 'SELECT 1 AS example';

SELECT, query_statement, table_function_arguments, table_function_options);

The following deployment options can be set using the table_function_options JSON argument, which is a subset of the CREATE TABLE FUNCTION DDL options.

Option Option Data Type Values JSON Path Default
REPLACE BOOLEAN true/false replace_procedure true
IF NOT EXISTS BOOLEAN true/false if_not_exists false
DESCRIPTION STRING Function description description None

If the function_options JSON argument is NULL, the default options will correspond to the following DDL statement:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE FUNCTION `[procedure_id]`([procedure_arguments])

CREATE Table from DBTF

Attribute Value
Name create_table_from_date_bounded_table_function
ID bqtools.[region].create_table_from_date_bounded_table_function
Version bqtools:v1.0.0
Description Creates or replaces a single base table as a date partition range from a date-bounded table function, with a set of deployment options.
Arguments destination_table_id STRING, source_table_function_id STRING, start_date DATE, end_date DATE, table_options JSON
Returns None
Dependencies bqtools-qb.[region].create_table


DECLARE destination_table_id, source_table_function_id STRING;
DECLARE start_date, end_date DATE;
DECLARE table_options JSON;

SET destination_table_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.destination_table_name';
SET source_table_function_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.source_table_function_name';

SELECT, query_statement, table_function_arguments, table_function_options);
DECLARE destination_table_id, source_table_function_id STRING;
DECLARE start_date, end_date DATE;
DECLARE table_options JSON;

SET destination_table_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.destination_table_name';
SET source_table_function_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.source_table_function_name';

SELECT, query_statement, table_function_arguments, table_function_options);

The following deployment options can be set using the table_options JSON argument, which is a subset of the CREATE TABLE DDL options.

Option Option Data Type Values JSON Path Default
REPLACE BOOLEAN true/false replace_procedure true
TEMPORARY BOOLEAN true/false temporary_procedure false
IF NOT EXISTS BOOLEAN true/false if_not_exists false
DESCRIPTION STRING Function description description None
PARTITION EXPRESSION STRING Partition expression partition_expression None
CLUSTERING COLUMN LIST ARRAY<STRING> Clustering columns clustering_column_list None
EXPIRATION TIMESTAMP STRING Timestamp expiration_timestamp None
PARTITION EXPIRATION DAYS INTEGER Integer partition_expiration_days None
REQUIRE PARTITION FILTER BOOLEAN true/false require_partition_filter false
KMS KEY NAME STRING KMS key name kms_key_name None
FRIENDLY NAME STRING Friendly name friendly_name None
DEFAULT ROUNDING MODE STRING Default rounding mode default_rounding_mode None

If the table_options JSON argument is NULL, the default options will correspond to the following DDL statement:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `[destination_table_id]`
SELECT * FROM `[source_table_function_id]`([start_date], [end_date])


Attribute Value
Name create_view
ID bqtools.[region].create_view
Version bqtools:v1.0.0
Description Creates or replaces a single view defined by an arbitrary sql statement and a set of deployment options.
Arguments view_id STRING, query_statement STRING, view_options JSON
Returns None
Dependencies bqtools-qb.[region].create_view


DECLARE view_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE view_options JSON;

SET view_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.view_name';
SET query_statement = 'SELECT 1 AS example';

SELECT, query_statement, view_options);
DECLARE view_id, query_statement STRING;
DECLARE view_options JSON;

SET view_id = 'project_id.dataset_name.view_name';
SET query_statement = 'SELECT 1 AS example';

SELECT, query_statement, view_options);

The following deployment options can be set using the view_options JSON argument, which is a subset of the CREATE VIEW DDL options.

Option Option Data Type Values JSON Path Default
REPLACE BOOLEAN true/false replace_view true
IF NOT EXISTS BOOLEAN true/false if_not_exists false
DESCRIPTION STRING View description description None
EXPIRATION TIMESTAMP STRING Timestamp expiration_timestamp None
FRIENDLY NAME STRING Friendly name friendly_name None

If the view_options JSON argument is NULL, the default options will correspond to the following DDL statement:
